Sunday, May 29, 2011

Graduation, Shakira, and Yearbooking

This Saturday was AAC's first graduation! It was so exciting to be a part of this event. The kids looked great, the school was totally decked out, and we got to be a part of it :) To celebrate we went to the Shakira concert in Rabat. It was amazing to be at her concert with hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of Moroccans, in Africa, singing and dancing "Waka Waka"! This has been our theme song of the we were totally in our element.
Today Amber and I spent most of the day working on the yearbook. The kids did the brunt of it but it was time for fine-tuning. 7 hours later (plus the 3 hours we spent on it yesterday) we are done! Words cannot describe how great this feels! It's like a huge weight has been lifted. Sent to the printers tomorrow, we should get it back in a little over a week...just in time for the last day of school! Yeah!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Prom, Escalade, Flowers, and Fun!

This has certainly been an eventful week!
Monday - Yearbook...Tuesday - Bible study...Wednesday - Yearbook...Thursday - Yearbook and coffee with a good friend...Friday - Prom and dancing til 4am...Saturday - "Going Away" dinner with Jodi...Sunday - Breakfast at Chez Paul's, church, and taco dinner with friends...
I've been trying to fit lots into my last weeks without going crazy. Some of the best moments of the week were being picked up in an Escalade for prom, getting flowers as a going away present from one of the school drivers (I almost cried), and laying out on the roof soaking up some good Casablanca sun!
My only prayer at this point is to finish well and in all one piece!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Morocco Poem for Grandma

Dear Grandma,

Sorry I haven't written in a while. My life hasn't been very interesting lately. Having Hannah here was great but when she left, life wasn't as good :( It's made me miss home and want to make the most of my time left here all at the same time. The new blog. So in honor of your birthday I've written this blog for you (and the other people who read this regularly)! I hope you enjoy this...



My time here is flying by
Yet it drags more than I can bear
Living my life here
And my mind over there.

Wanting to know what the future will hold
Thinking and stressing until I explode.

But then I remember the reason I'm here
And I realize again just how good life can be
God has blessed me greatly this year
Great friends, my kids, and new places to see.

My life isn't boring (most would agree)
Walking down the street hearing, "Hello pretty lady!"

Where else do you feel sexy in sweatpants or a dress
Or constantly watch out for the donkey cart
Morocco is a place like nothing else
But will always hold a special place in my heart.