Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Exam week...yeah...or yuck...depending on how you look at it :) I spent my morning running between 7 classrooms answering questions and all afternoon grading and I'm not even a quarter of the way done (that's the yuck part). But, on Monday my dance class presented their final choreographies...and they were awesome (that's the yeah part)! Working in pairs, I had them create their own dance for their final exam. It has been so cool to watch them develop as dancers, become more physically fit, and see their confidence grow as well. On one of the in-class work days, one of my more quiet students was "strutting her stuff" and offering suggestions to another group. This would have never happened at the beginning of the semester. It has been such a great experience for the girls (and for me)!
Well, off to grade more exams....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The BIG Decision

After a long, emotional, and prayerful process...the decision is to move back to Michigan! My time here in Morocco has been one of the best of my life. I have learned so much and made so many wonderful relationships. I will greatly miss this place!